I started creating this list in April, 2008.  It is not completely complete.  I lost a bunch of early short stories and at least one mess of a novel to the chaos of being in my 20’s.  I actually have a copy of all of the stuff listed.

Finished Novels (37):  (Bolded novels are published)

  1. Rain (2002)
  2. Portal (2003) (First published 2011)
  3. The Visitors (2003)
  4. Ialtaboath (2004 & 2013) (Audible) (Kindle)
  5. Clearing at the End of the Path (2004-2005) (First published 2011)
  6. Agharta (2005-2006 & 2013) (Audible) (Kindle)
  7. Bang (2007) (First published 2011)
  8. Exodus Enisode (2006-2007) (First published 2011)
  9. The Diary of Bobby Stoner (2008 & 2012) (Audible) (Kindle)
  10. We Can See Through the Machines (2008-2009) (First published 2011)
  11. Kenny G Must Die!! A Satire About Music… And Zombies (2009) (Audible) (Kindle) Audible Re-recorded and re-released in 2022
  12. Once a Dream Did Weave (2010) (Audible) (Kindle)
  13. Gamehenge (2010) (Don’t have the rights to publish)
  14. Landscape from a Dream (Sequel to Once a Dream Did Weave) (2011)
  15. Dhalgo (2012) (Audible) (Kindle)
  16. An American Buddha (2013) (Kindle) (First published June, 2018) (Bonnie Honeycutt- Editor)
  17. Conspiracy!  The Movie, The Novel (2013) (Audible) (Kindle) (Nancy Cassidy-Editor)
  18. Cargo (2014)
  19. Necropants Save the World — Kenny G Must Die!! Book 2 (2014) Published June, 2019.  Audible Published (2022)
  20. Augmented Reality (2015)
  21. The Gospels of Nikola Tesla (2015) (Published 2017)
  22. Plane (2015) (Published 2017)
  23. The Universe Hates Us!! — Kenny G Must Die!! Book 3 (2015)
  24. The Box (2015)
  25. Life of Crime (2016) (Published April, 2023)
  26. Rock of Aiden (2016)
  27. Masquerade (2016)
  28. The Devil and Bubba-John (2018) Name changed to The Devil and Daniel DeVay (Published Audible, Kindle, Amazon 2022)
  29. Arcadia, Michigan (2018) (Published Kindle, Amazon Feb. 2023)
  30. Overwatch (2018) (Published Kindle, Amazon, Audible, April, 2024)
  31. The Martyrs of CHANGE (2020) (Published Feb. 2023)
  32. Enemy Mind (2020) (Published March 2023)
  33. First Tour – A Medieval(ish) Tale (2022) (Published Kindle, Amazon, Audible, April, 2024)
  34. Murakami Bingo (2022) (Published Kindle, Amazon, Audible, May, 2024)
  35. After Life (2023)
  36. Step Count (2023)
  37. Teleportation for $500 or Less (2023)

ReTitled/ReWorked Novels

  • The Diary of Bobby Steiner (2008) renamed The Diary of Bobby Stoner (2012)
  • Music of Dreams (2005-2006) renamed Agharta (2013)
  • IOTA Volumes 1-7 “Special First Draft Editions” published on March 23, 2011. — Retired Feb-March, 2013
  • Ialtaboath (2004) rewritten but retained name Ialtaboath (2013)
  • Once a Dream Did Weave reworked (2013)
  • Cargo (2011) Trunked then Untrunked.  Dropped @75,000 words completely- rewrote everything as YA and finished first re-write draft in Jan. 2014
  • The Gospels of Nikola Tesla.  Wrote for a full year Feb. 2014-Feb. 2015.  After amassing @140,000 words of a first draft, I cut 110,000 and kept only the Gospel Segments.  Cut segments then adapted into The Martyrs of CHANGE from 2018-20.
  • The Devil and Daniel DeVay went under the working title The Devil and Bubba-John until 2021.  Vickei convinced me to change it, a good call I think.


  • Rain (adaptation of the 2002 novel) (2009-2010)
  • Ialtaboath (adaptation of the 2004/2013 novel) (2013)
  • Croucher (adaptation/reworking of 2008 Croucher project as Fiction Podcast) (2019)

Interactive Game Script/Story/Choose Your Own Adventure

  • The Diary of Bobby Stoner

Short Story Collections:

  • Where the Fnords Linger (2007) (Book, Kindle)
  • We Are Not for Sale (2013) (Kindle, Audible)

Audio (Only) Stories

  1. Those Strange Headphones (2008)
  2. What Violence Gets Ya (2008)
  3. John McCain’s Inauguration Day (2008)
  4. The REAL Intelligent Design (2009)
  5. The Story of Aunt Jane (production only- told by Vickei)
  6. Obama’s Sincere Ignorance (2010)
  7. Run Blago Run (2010)
  8. Just Another Night in the Hospital (2010)
  9. Crystal Mining in Arkansas (2011)
  10. A Very Cthulhu Christmas (2011)

Short Story/Comic Mini-Series

  • Drone Wars
    • Story Arc I: Secrets and LIES (1-6) (2014)
      • Issue 1: Secrets and LIES
      • Issue 2: Combat Fitness
      • Issue 3: The Panopticon Net
      • Issue 4: Conundrum
      • Issue 5: A Missing Piece
      • Issue 6: A New Beginning
    • Story Arc II: Origins

Stories for the Nieces

  1. Alexa’s New Friend (5th Birthday gift) (2013)
  2. The Continuing Adventures of Crosby Doodles Episode 1- The Big Secret (2012)
  3. The Continuing Adventures of Crosby Doodles Episode 2- The Carnival Caper (2012)
  4. The Continuing Adventures of Crosby Doodles Episode 3- The Big House (2012)
  5. The Continuing Adventures of Crosby Doodles Episode 4- An Unexpected Ally (2012)
  6. The Continuing Adventures of Crosby Doodles Episode 5- (unfinished)

Short Story Serial- Written for Audio

  • Croucher (Parts 1-14) (2008)

On the Shoulders of Giants Audio Series

  • 001 Douglas Adams (2012)
  • 002 Robert Anton Wilson (2012)
  • 003 Philip K Dick- Themes and Technology (2013)
  • 004 Stephen King- Series vs. World (2013)
  • 005 JK Rowling- Head vs. Heart (2013)
  • 006 Lost- Character vs. Plot (2013)
  • 007 George Orwell- Metaphysical Storytelling and Utopia (2013)
  • 008 Milestones (2013)
  • 009 Music (2013)

YouTube Videos

  • Star Trek Into Darkness and 9/11 (2013)
  • Bobby Stoner Commerical (2013)
  • Ialtaboath Commercial (2013)
  • Cult of Synergy (SJTOD) (2013)
  • A Scene from the Life of Shadowfax (SJTOD) (2013)
  • The Hippie Photo of Doom (?)
  • Once a Dream Did Weave Commercial (2012)
  • Larry King Game (2012)
  • Dora Parody (2010)
  • Kenny G Commercial (2009)
  • Phish Coventry- Wading in the Velvet Sea ReMix (2006)

Completed Short Stories

  1.             A Bong Named Droopy- A Bobby Stoner Adventure (2013)
  2.             A Conspiracy of  Stinkies (2013)
  3.             A Conversation Around A Fire (2008)
  4.             A Conversation at a Table (2005)
  5.             A Question of Shen (2007)
  6.             A Scene from the Life of Shadowfax, Gandalf’s Horse (?)
  7.             A Simple Explanation for Our Politics (2015)
  8.             A Simple Phone Call (2006)
  9.             A Tree for Plinko (2013)
  10.             After the Rapture (2007)
  11.             Alien Abduction for Fun and Profit (2005)
  12.             All It Takes Is A Little Bump (2010)
  13.             Armageddon and Potato Chips (2013)
  14.             Augmented Reality (2014)
  15.             Bird (?)
  16.             Boredom (2020)
  17.             British Politics is Bananas (2010)
  18.             Carsickness and the Virtual Reality Universe (2014)
  19.             Club Club (2007)
  20.             Craig’s List and Inner Tubes- A Bank Robbery (2009)
  21.             Destiny Can Be a Real Pain in the Ass (2012)
  22.             Digital Hinduism (2015)
  23.             Dogwalking (2011)
  24.             Dreams Are Real (2014)
  25.             Existential Drag in Forest (?)
  26.             Exodus: Year 40 (2014)
  27.             Five Stories Chronicling the Wisdom of Items Found in a Convenience Store                     (2008)
  28.             How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Digital Overlords (2009)
  29.             How YouTube Saved the World from the Anti-Christ (2008)
  30.             In Defense of Original Sin (Unknown)
  31.             In God You May Very Well Trust- But Why the Fuck Can’t He Help You Drive   (2011)
  32.             Infinite Regress (?)
  33.             It Takes All Three- A Bobby Stoner Adventure (2012)
  34.             It’s Just a Game (2015)
  35.             Joe the Satirist (2013)
  36.             Johnny Get Your Rear Window (2004)
  37.             Karma (2003)
  38.             Kenny G is Dead, But Now There’s Cher to Deal With (2007)
  39.             Kenny G Must Die (2007)
  40.             Kenny G Won’t Stay Dead (2007)
  41.             Let’s See If You Like It (2014)
  42.             Life of Crime (2012)
  43.             Michael Bay Must Die! (2013)
  44.             Moses, God, and the Plagues- A Pharaoh’s View (?)
  45.             Mr. Snuffleupagus is God (Unknown)
  46.             My Kid Can Beat Up Your Honor Student (2010)
  47.             My Stupid Racism (2015)
  48.             My War with THAT GUY (2013)
  49.             Pead Sople (Unknown)
  50.             Photobombed (2014)
  51.             Porno County (2010)
  52.             Post-Apocalyptic TP Blues (2012)
  53.             Samson and Delilah: The Worst. Story. Ever.  (2011)
  54.             SeaWeed- The Continuing Adventures of Bobby Steiner (2009)
  55.             Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Dead Beatle (2012)
  56.             Signs (2010)
  57.             Snoopy is a Time Lord (2013)
  58.             Sometimes the Hard Dollar Comes Easy (Unknown)
  59.             Stuck in a Hotel Room Closet on a Friday Night (2001/2013)
  60.             Superhero Quick Change Blues (2013)
  61.             That Sweet, Sweet Bruce Willis Bounty Money (2005)
  62.             The Ahi Affair (2006)
  63.             The Battle of Lake Lynwood- A Non-Cautionary Tale (2012)
  64.             The Boom (2014)
  65.             The Case (Unknown)
  66.             The Cola War (2005)
  67.             The Coolest War (2009)
  68.             The Cult of Synergy (2009)
  69.             The Darkness is in the Sun (2016)
  70.             The Day Spiderman Saved My Life (2007)
  71.             The Dead Celebrity Space Corps (2010)
  72.             The Deniers (2013)
  73.             The Edge of the Frame (2007)
  74.             The Hippie Photo of Doom (2007)
  75.             The Hungry Tardigrade (2022)
  76.             The Justice League of Prozac (2008)
  77.             The Know-It-Alls (2014)
  78.             The Lurid Discover of Steakon (2008)
  79.             The Many Benefits of Godzilla Power (2011)
  80.             The Monster in Nike Woods (2013)
  81.             The Most Expensive $1 Organ, Ever
  82.             The Problem with Superpowers (2003)
  83.             The QR Code (2013) (written for cell phones/QR sticker campaign)
  84.             The Revolution Will Have Endless Breadsticks (2014)
  85.             The Room Behind the Wall (2009)
  86.             The Set-Up (2014)
  87.             The Sinister Origins of Wonder Bread (2008)
  88.             The Slayer of Roses
  89.             The Strange Workings of God
  90.             The Super Groovy Suitcase of Cosmic Evolution (2012)
  91.             The Tale of Wapobabka (2009)
  92.             The Top of the Mountain (2015)
  93.             The Utterly Depressing Adventures of Super WalMart (2012)
  94.             The Wrath of Barney the Big Purple Dinosaur
  95.             Thinning the Herd (2007)
  96.             Unlikely Discovery of Jubal Seeker (2007)
  97.             Walter’s Stupid Vacation (2014)
  98.             What Happens When You Lose on Jeopardy (2008)
  99.             Why Bobby Fischer Sued The Last Starfighter (2013)
  100. Why ‘The Devil Came Down to Georgia’ Is a Stupid Song (2010)
  101. You Get One Wish (2008)
  102. You Say It Without Laughing (2012)
  103. Tartigrade

Christmas Short Stories

  1. Why Santa Shared His Soul (2010)
  2. The Tyranny of Gargamel- Santa’s Adopted Son (2007)
  3. Whacking Santa Claus (2006)
  4. A Very Cthulhu Christmas- AUDIO ONLY (2011)

First (really really bad) attempts at writing once I knew I wanted to write:

  • The Secret Life of Trees (@1999) An idea inspired by a King Missile song.  It’s a good idea- but sheesh- talk about badly written.
  • Mega Machine Inc. (@1999) Inspired by a college lecture by one of my top 3 favorite college professors- Jim Hart of Indiana University.

Unfinished Book Projects:

    • Early half-assed attempt at a first novel- sorta- with Fnord in Title (@1997 or 98- on an old fashioned word processor with a dot matrix printer) Mostly lost.
    • OPIS- Old People In Space 38,000 words (2003) I’m going to finish this someday.  It’s my “How to make up for how bad you suck” novel to the Baby Boomers.
    • Inside and Outside 21,000 words (2004) A weird book about recruitment and belonging. Never really took off.
    • BS- novel about perspective – 4 stories 23,000 words (2008) Good ideas- just petered out  Used one of the ideas in this as a core idea for Rock of Aiden
    • Death With Dignity- Con man who comes to believe his own bullshit. 22,000 words (2009) Couldn’t find the proper voice.
    • Nobody believes in Dragons (32,000 words) Not sure what I’m going to do with it.
    • CHANGE The History of the First Tesla Church. (Worked on this book for the bulk of 2017 without finishing.  It’s 83,000 words and only half-ish done- it’s just too big for current market)  I will return to this book with the doc Wild Country (on Netflix) in mind (about the Rajneeshis in Oregon and how they dissolved into militancy).  Also interested in turning this into a script for a 2-series TV show.  Finally completed in 2020.
    • Americorps-A Self-Hagiography. (2018) (17,000 words) Stopped when I had the idea for Arcadia, Michigan.  Also something I’d like to mess with again at some point.
    • Sequel to Enemy Mind, Enemy Minds, A chunk of 2021 (50,000 words)
    • How’d We End Up Here?  Started and dropped, late 2022.  (26,000 words)